Coworker Accuses Man of Being a "Creep" For His New Apartment - Is She Right? 🤔

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😱 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of workplace drama, apartment hunting, and neighborly tensions that'll have you on the edge of your seat! 🍿 When a man's search for a new place to call home leads him to rent a flat right across from his coworker's house, things take a wild turn. 🏠 Is he a creepy stalker or just a guy looking for a sweet pad? 🤔 Let's dive into this tangled web of office gossip and real estate intrigue! 🕵️‍♂️

🏠 New Digs, New Drama! 😱

brutesensibility | brutesensibility

🔍 Apartment Hunting Adventures! 🕵️‍♂️

brutesensibility | brutesensibility

🏘️ Terrific Terraced Houses! 🙌

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🪟 Window Woes! 😬

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🎮 Gaming Setup Goals! 🕹️

brutesensibility | brutesensibility

👀 Neighborly Norms? 🤔

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👋 Friendly Gestures Gone Wrong! 😕

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🗣️ Workplace Whispers! 😲

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🚨 Coworker Conundrum: Creep or Coincidence? 😱

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist has found himself in quite the pickle! 🥒 After renting a flat with an amazing view (of his coworker's place 👀), he's now facing some serious accusations at work. 😬 Is he really a stalker, or is this all just a big misunderstanding? 🤔 One thing's for sure, this situation is messier than a toddler's finger painting project! 🎨 Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild ride of a story... 🎢

Moving across the street after being rejected is creepy behavior. YTA.

OrangeCubit | OrangeCubit

"It's not my fault she doesn't use curtains" - Accused stalker gets called out, YTA 🤬

userabe | userabe

YTA for being a creepy coworker, facing her window.

ConsciousFox5984 | ConsciousFox5984

Man accused of being a creep for his new apartment 😬

Comfortable-Plane944 | Comfortable-Plane944

YTA for making someone uncomfortable in their own home 😡

CivilHousing | CivilHousing

Man accused of stalking coworker in new apartment. YTA. 👎

Primary-Friend-7615 | Primary-Friend-7615

Man asked coworker out, rented flat across from her. YTA. 🤨

clanculcarius | clanculcarius

Man accused of crossing boundaries and being creepy by coworker.

journeyintopressure | journeyintopressure

OP accused of stalking coworker, urged to seek therapy ASAP 😱

Rohini_rambles | Rohini_rambles

Setting up furniture to stare into neighbor's apartment is creepy 😬

Any_Coyote6662 | Any_Coyote6662

Neighbor feels creeped out by man's apartment setup 🤔

CarrieCat62 | CarrieCat62

Accusations of stalking and harassment in apartment dispute 😱

EmuIcy7841 | EmuIcy7841

Gamer with no curtains? YTA, not a creep. 😉

cassowary32 | cassowary32

YTA. Inappropriate advances, invading her privacy, and crashing her party. 😑

Isolated_Reader62 | Isolated_Reader62

YTA for setting up your desk in the window 😑

ilovegarfieldxx | ilovegarfieldxx

YTA, repeatedly asking out a colleague and then moving in opposite their house? Creepy.

JBW66 | JBW66

Accused man sounds creepy, commenters agree YTA. 😭

wheres_the_revolt | wheres_the_revolt

NTA clears up coworker's accusations with HR 🚨

probablyapornaccoun | probablyapornaccoun

Moving in across from coworker and waving - YTA.

Qiiku | Qiiku

Man asked out coworker twice, leases apartment in front of hers. YTA 😠

Holiday-Astronaut-60 | Holiday-Astronaut-60

Being self-aware is key, otherwise it comes off creepy. 🤨

Buuuurrrrd | Buuuurrrrd

Continuously asking a coworker out and moving in front of her place? 🤔

Thart85 | Thart85

Yikes! The truth hurts, doesn't it? 🤕

teh_maxh | teh_maxh

Manager accused of being creepy for neighbor's apartment location. YTA.

INFJPersonality-52 | INFJPersonality-52

Accused of stalking, YTA and need therapy. 😕

LilliannaWinterWolf | LilliannaWinterWolf

A creepy coworker moves in across the street. Yikes! 😱

aletamale | aletamale

Accused of being creepy, YTA comment defends himself.

chaingun_samurai | chaingun_samurai

Woman expresses fear of man's behavior in new apartment 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Accused of being a stalker for living in his apartment? 🤔

Burgerlover2 | Burgerlover2

Accused man faces harsh YTA verdict for alleged stalking behavior. 🤪

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Man accused of being a creep for living near coworker 😬

Professional_Grab513 | Professional_Grab513

Tenant accused of being a creep for gaming by a window 😒

AmbitiousStretch5743 | AmbitiousStretch5743

Man accused of being a 'creep' by coworker. Yikes! 😱

blueboatsky | blueboatsky

YTA for stalking coworker and peeping through her windows. 🤨

HighlightAshamed1358 | HighlightAshamed1358

Moving into new apartment justifies coworker's creepy accusations. YTA. 🤨

wandernwade | wandernwade

Accused man receives judgement for creepy behavior. YTA.

NoSomewhere5749 | NoSomewhere5749

Accused of creepiness for waving at coworker from window 🤔

Popular-Syllabub-491 | Popular-Syllabub-491

Accused man gets called out as YTA for overstepping boundaries.

RackhamJack | RackhamJack

Man moves across from woman who rejected him, sets up desk facing her window. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suspicious comment replies suggest there's more to the story... 🤔

Decent-Muffin4190 | Decent-Muffin4190

YTA. Asking her out twice and stalking her is creepy. 👎

xthrowawayaccxx | xthrowawayaccxx

Coworker calls out man for being a 'creep' and suggests a solution. Yikes 🤨

AdventurousIncome634 | AdventurousIncome634

Accusations of stalking and discomfort, YTA, stop watching her.

mkat23 | mkat23

YTA for stalking your coworker. Get help and stop watching her.

sovrappensiero1 | sovrappensiero1

Redditor points out article is a repost. 😑

Hippotamoose27 | Hippotamoose27

Accused of being a creep for setting up PC facing neighbor? 🤔

NotTodayPsycho | NotTodayPsycho

Don't be a creep. Respect her boundaries and move on. 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Accusations of stalking and murder, YTA comment section gets intense. 🤔

captnspock | captnspock

Repeatedly asking someone out and then renting a house nearby 🤔

Churchie-Baby | Churchie-Baby

Female commenter feels creeped out by man's actions at work 😱

Easy-Delay-5590 | Easy-Delay-5590

OP accused of seeking validation by deleting post after disagreement 😑

Maleficent-Abalone-2 | Maleficent-Abalone-2

Man admits to being rejected, still thinks she owes him. YTA 🤬

heypj2003 | heypj2003

Coworker accuses man of being a "creep" for his new apartment 😬

Fancy_Mechanic_3440 | Fancy_Mechanic_3440

Man accused of being a creep for looking inside coworker's apartment 🤔

Awkward_Kind89 | Awkward_Kind89

Moving in to an apartment to spy on a not-interested coworker? YTA 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Accusation of creepiness over man's apartment window placement 🤔

Marzipan_civil | Marzipan_civil

Man accused of being creepy for looking into coworker's apartment 🤔

sejame85 | sejame85

Man accused of being a "creep" for staring into coworker's window from across the street. Yikes! 😱

Intrepid-Young-3949 | Intrepid-Young-3949

Man gets called out for not using curtains, potential disaster 😬

EyeShot300 | EyeShot300

YTA for not considering how your actions would be perceived. 🤨

Darky821 | Darky821

Man called out for creepy behavior by coworkers. YTA.

drunken_witch | drunken_witch

Creepy behavior and a reference to Joe from YOU.

WishboneAnxious5789 | WishboneAnxious5789

Being persistent in asking out a coworker and moving next door? YTA 😬

Either_Coconut | Either_Coconut

Neighborly waving from inside apartment deemed creepy, YTA.

exjobhere | exjobhere

Living across from rejected crush - creepy or harmless? 🤔

LoonieLens | LoonieLens

A commenter accuses someone of creepy behavior and advises them against telling HR

pvellamagi | pvellamagi

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